Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I Smell Blood!

When I was a kid,I wanted to be a vampire. I wasn't too wrapped in the blood sucking part of it. But the fact that you got to live forever,were all powerful,answered to no one(except maybe Lucifer)had nil to be afraid of but dudes named Van Helsing and others who had a cross to bear made this one hell of a cool lifestyle(no pun intended)to me.
I also(and I tell this to the psyche patients at work which always goes over well)had a book which had the recipe to cook up an ointment to smear over you on a full moon,no less,which would shape shift you into a werewolf. I shit you not! Somewhere along the line,I lost this book,but I do faintly remember part of the 'recipe' included "baby's fat". Oh those crazy hairy guys!
Anyway's,if anyone comes across this book,please let me know where I can get a copy for old times sake huh?...I'm slowly going bald.

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