Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Windoze-All Smoke & Mirrors

So the flood Gates have been opened and all but the chosen few of 'us' will drown in a sea of Vista.
Once again McDonaldsoft has come up with a "totally original idea" and OS and will conquer the world and...
And then there was Jobsi Wan Kenobi. Do not stray to the Dark Side people. Here is where it all began. The truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

*And our Apples have no worms.*

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

'Dragon' & The NZ Invasion

Dragon are one of my favourite bands, They're pictured here with Molly Meldrum who through Countdown helped a lot of bands get exposure.
New Zealand exported a heap of great bands that went on to bigger and better things. Check out this site for an example.
Marc Hunter,Dragon's vocalist had one of the best voices in rock history. He lived the lifestyle and died as a consequence of it. But in his own words "I believe it doesn't really matter when or where you die, but how you live your life. If somebody diagnoses you with cancer and tells you they are going to cut open your jaw and take out a tumor, you would panic unless you had something to sustain you. But my time with the Qi masters gave me a tap on the shoulder and reminded me we are spiritual beings."
R.I.P. Marc 7/9/1953 - 17/7/1998. He was only 44.
If you've never heard yourself a favour and check them out.

I Smell Blood!

When I was a kid,I wanted to be a vampire. I wasn't too wrapped in the blood sucking part of it. But the fact that you got to live forever,were all powerful,answered to no one(except maybe Lucifer)had nil to be afraid of but dudes named Van Helsing and others who had a cross to bear made this one hell of a cool lifestyle(no pun intended)to me.
I also(and I tell this to the psyche patients at work which always goes over well)had a book which had the recipe to cook up an ointment to smear over you on a full moon,no less,which would shape shift you into a werewolf. I shit you not! Somewhere along the line,I lost this book,but I do faintly remember part of the 'recipe' included "baby's fat". Oh those crazy hairy guys!
Anyway's,if anyone comes across this book,please let me know where I can get a copy for old times sake huh?...I'm slowly going bald.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Searching Lost "Christensen" Clan

We all have skeletons in the closet. Secrets that aren't spoken of in the family about certain situations,events,happenings,life styles-you get the picture.
All families are strange in their own odd little way and deal with their issues in their own ways.
2 years ago,my Uncle committed suicide. Connected a hose to his exhaust,fed it into his car,wound the window up,left the engine running and drifted off into an eternal sleep.
He did this in America where he was living after remarrying a woman no one back here had met and only his children and my grandparents had seen(my grandparents had only seen photos I think).
I'd always seen my Uncle as this cool giant of a guy who had it all. A beautiful wife(my Aunty),he drove a motorbike,had mates who were in the know,played great music(Cheap Trick,Queen etc.)and saw Led Zepplin in concert.
Thanx to the internet,my Aunty left him for another guy she met online.Why,I have no idea. If they were having problems,no one said anything.
I met my Uncle after not seeing him for 12 years after my grandparents passed away within quick succession of each other. We patched up our differences(I like to think)said our goodbyes and parted company for the last time.
One Friday night not long after I got a drunken call(it's how he/we handle things)from my father about his death,but no one knew what the exact circumstances were.
Which brings me here;I still have no idea & would love to get in touch with any family out there who can help me. Erin,Luke,Ryan or Joanne Christensen,anyone. Contact me through these pages.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A Day At Home

So we missed out on seeing the fireworks at the end of the Australia Day concert we went to last night 'cause my wife was sick 30 minutes before they were due to start. I decided it was better if we went home in case she got any worse(which she didn't). Better safe than sorry. Still everyone had a great night. Kai got to see his best mate,the kids went on a few rides. We listened to music(Jenny Morris and James Reyne-the former average the latter great)drank some rum(Bundaberg since it was Australia Day of course)and relaxed.
We did get to see the fireworks when we got home though 'cause you can see them from our front verandah,just not all of it.
Today is chill-out day. Relaxation.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Scarlett Johansson

If we were back in the 1940-50's,when the silver screen was really kicking along,I reckon that Scarlett Johansson would be up there with the best. Lauren Bacall,Audrey Hepburn etc. Beautiful...she's a schoolboys wet dream man. And mine. The only problem is,I don't really think that she's made her mark on film yet. She's yet to find her niche.
But goddamn she's hot!

Happy Australia Day

RESPECT. That one word sums up everything. Look it up in a dictionary if you don't understand it. If you're invited into someone's house,you use your manners. You don't piss on their floor do ya? So treat this country as if it were someone else's or better still,your own. Remember you were invited here;and if you happen to have been born here you've no excuse for treating your country as a toilet.
Respect your country & you'll respect yourself. Think about it for a minute will ya...
Have a good day! Think of me,it's a public holiday and I'll be one of the few who'll be working,keeping the wheels turning.
We love football,meat pies,kangaroos and Holden cars...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Is More Always Better?

Sometimes,yeah. More is better. But...
Anyways I'm after a new effect pedal board to replace my trusty old used and abused BOSS ME-5 board. It still kicks along and has never failed me,though it's showing it's age now pretty seriously. It must be nearly 20 years old by now,and technology has kicked it's arse hardcore.
I think I'll go with the top model(G7.1). We'll see what happens in 5 days time.
These 2 models pictured were only available to the rich & famous guitarists not all that long ago and were custom made. Now anyone can have one. And so do I!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Rock On!

What a cool picture. Whoever doctored this deserves praise.
RIP ol' Pope JP. I'm not religious by any stretch of the imagination,it doesn't speak for me, but this pic says it all.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Live Evil

It's comforting to know another twisted and tortured soul has been de-commissioned. Though it's all too late for his victims. How's the saying go...death comes on swift wings and in many guises. Or something like that.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Fly The Flag-Proud Aussie!

Ken West should be ashamed to show his face in public. Not just him,but any neanderthal that chooses to use any event that brings/unites the masses peacefully,and moulds it to his/their own sick and twisted ideal.
Basically-'Leave shit in the toilet where it belongs'.

Personally I prefer the flags at the top of the page.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Devil Made Me Do It

Who can't relate to this. Whenever I'm around alcohol,somehow it always ends up being poured down my throat. Damn that demon drink.
Seriously everyone's got their vices and alcohol's mine. Many moons ago I used to literally drown myself in it,but having a family changed all that over night. The only time I'll drink now is if I don't have to work the next day and have nothing planned.
So since I have tomorrow off-I'm gonna get loose on the juice...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Feed Me!

I love Gary Larson's humour. He hits the nail on the head every time.
I found this particular caption,if that's what you wanna call it,just after my 2nd. son was born. I've got a few of his books but I had never seen this one before and it spoke volumes to me while at the same time making me piss myself laughing.
His humour to me seems like a cross between MAD comics and Monty Python. It's very rare to find good American humour seeing that they have this inability to find fault with themselves which means they can't laugh at themselves.
If you can't laugh at yourself,then what's the point really...we're all flawed,why try to hide it?

Dr. Teeth

Now I know I need a new set of choppers,but there is no way in hell that I would be letting this bloke anywhere near me or my remaining good teeth.
Scary shit indeed huh.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

World Dice Mix-Up

World Dice where I got my latest piece from,made me the wrong item.
Though not to worry,'cause after sending off a couple of e-mails they have promised to make me what I originally wanted and let me keep the piece they sent originally. It helped that I could communicate with them in Japanese(their store's in Japan)via my wife.
I wanted the bottom piece,but they made me the top one.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

November Fire

Check out this site and get a really cool,original T-Shirt. They are all top quality shirts and prints,original designs,and best of all the prices will floor you. $16 for a shirt. Ya can't beat that man. I got the one above.

A Bird In The George W.

Say's it all don't it.

I don't wanna get all anti-war(even though I am)but after stumbling across this site I think it's something we should all be aware of. Don't get me wrong,I am totally 100% behind the poor bastards who are over there fighting Cowboy George's personal crusade.
2 wrongs don't make a right. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. All those little sayings come to life eventually...with great power comes great responsibility.
That's part of the reason I love skulls,they signify death BUT to me they remind me of how delicate life is. So grab a-hold and live each day as if it's your last.
Remember,every day above ground's a good one!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Kill 'em All!

Dirty lowlife scum who do shit like this do not/should not be walking among us. I don't care how old they are,circumstances they grew up in,whatever. They should be killed-slowly and painfully.
SCUM! This world is fucked up enough as it is,thank you Cowboy George W.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

BellyDonna-Happy Xmas.

Christmas 2006: A couple of horses asses. And sister golden hair.
A merry good time was had by all.As usual,it seemed to be over before it began.
To be continued again next Christmas.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Motherlode vs. Angry Snuff Puppet

Many moons ago now when I was a fledgling full time muso/guitarist,I played in a band called Motherlode who stole the drummer from Aiz Lynch's(formerly of Candy Harlots)new band Angry Snuff Puppet.
Laurie Marlow,formerly of Heaven,now with Black Label,played Bass.
Last night while trawling the endless seas of the web,I came across an individual who listed themselves as playing at one time with Angry Snuff Puppet.As I hadn't heard this band mentioned for a long time I decided to make contact and see who this person was.I thought it might be Aiz.But it turned out to be a guy named Dave from the original line-up.As far as I knew,there was only 1 line-up.But I guess you really do learn something new everyday.
Anyway's we made contact and it's gotten me thinking about tracking down other old acquantances...or maybe the past should be left as it is...the past.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Skull Ring!

SO...I finally got /found a new skull ring(1/2 jaw of course)that I am happy with.
Yeah,I'm a real picky bastard when it comes to something that I really want.Or maybe that should read,know what I want.
But this is the one.Just look at it will ya! Beautiful man.
Will post a pic on my finger when it arrives...

Storm In A Tea Cup!

Many moons ago, I remember my nanna taking/dragging me to see 'Storm Boy'. NOW,this movie came out the same time as 'Star Wars',and obviously I wanted to see the latter movie.But no,my nanna took me to see 'Storm Boy' and there was no other way or chance that she was gonna have it.
Now after going through the motions of being thoroughly pissed off,I quite liked the movie.I recognised the black dude(David Gulpilill)from another great movie called 'Walkabout'.
Now...he is basically rotting away.Do a google search on him and you'll be blown away.He should be (and is)a national treasure,but he is drinking himself to death.
How do you help someone who won't help themself?Very sad considering he has a family.F AMILY should be the catalyst for ANYTHING!
Wake up Dave. You're not alone mate...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Losing Touch

So this is my fav'rite pic. Dali kicks arse man! Even when he 'aint drawing,he's photo's are still ahead of their time. A fooking genius mate! Beeyootiful..
Karl,at Moronosphere,has a lot of good intentions but falls short of the 'Skull Brotherhood'which was what his and my site were originally started for.I love skull's in all their forms.But GOOD skull rings on their own are very hard to come by.
As I've said before,I don't like(HATE)evil,weird looking skull rings.And when 'Deadringer'
finish making the 1/2 skull that we are all waiting on...Look out!
Don't believe you're own hype little /big man...savvy kemo sabay?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Let There Be Mud!

These 2 hounds are my boys. JJ on the left,Kai on the right. They love mud,what more can I say. A picture says a thousand words. If it weren't so cold that day I would've taken them both out the back and hosed them off...they love that too.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

'Deadringer' 1/2 Skull Ring

This is Deadringer's 1/2 Skull they're working on at the moment.
Mark say's it'll be 6 months yet until Steve's ready to let his creation loose upon us all so until then we'll just have drool and wait. And God knows I hate waiting!
It's been a long time coming this creation and what I've seen so far will make the wait more than worth while. These guys are the masters of their craft.
More pics to follow.
Keep it real...


So...Blogger has FINALLY gotten it's shit together! At last I can post pics. Yee-fuckin'-Haw!
I'll come back over to the dark side now that things are back to normal.